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  • Writer's pictureMacy Williams

3/15/21 How Social Media Shapes Identity

The video on how social media shapes identity talks about how we construct powerful technology that constructs us. Social media sets an expectation for people to follow influencing what one posts, comments, and more. The video also talks heavily on three dominant discourses (system of thoughts) in the second life including market, play, and sociality. All of them limiting the kinds of identity one can be or have. Second life is an example of how humans perform or materialize a life outside of their own. This creates expectations that change and reform identities that can have the ability to influence their actions outside of social media.

Media has a huge impact on my life and has influenced me in many ways. Social media and media just in general have been in my life since I was born. Whether when it was me watching cartoons at a young age or know me scrolling through my Instagram feed. Media has influenced me positively and negatively. One example is Instagram at first was a way I could communicate with people and see a glimpse of their life, but pictures that are being posted aren’t always someone’s true self. I know this because I try to post things that I think will receive a lot of likes instead of a controversial topic that may make people dislike me. Another example is TikTok, this app has set an expectation to having the perfect body. When I scroll through my for you page which consists of popular videos it is filled with young girls and boys trying to fit in to gain followers and likes. This app has even made me change in a sense of trying to look like or do certain things that I know a high percentage of people find attractive.

I strongly agree on the topic of how social media shapes an identity. I cannot only see it happening with me, but also by the people around me such as my friends. Hearing them say things such as “I wish I looked like this girl” shows how media products act as a basis for people to create a life everyone wants. Social media may not change someone’s identity overnight, but over long periods of time you can look back and see how you have changed because of the way you perceive things.

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