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  • Writer's pictureMacy Williams

3/9/21 How the news changes the way we think and behave

The news has been around for years having the ability to manipulate thoughts and actions a person has. Hours are spent viewing information on events happening around the world whether they are positive or negative. This article mentions “negativity bias”, a well-known psychological quirk which means we pay more attention to all the worst things happening around us.” For example, when televising the news, one’s eyes are attracted to the death tolls or how something is negatively impacting a community. Resulting into people forming a different mindsets/view. Not only can it change the way we think, but how we react and behave. Seeing and hearing about tragedies going on can affect someone’s mental health and can “increase our risk of developing post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression.” This is done by the relentless hours consumed in short period of time.

Personally, I strongly agree that the new changes the way we think and behave. Repeatedly viewing information on a certain topic can influence someone’s perception because tons of facts are being flooded into your brain without a second to question it. A current example is the BLM movement that has driven thousands of people off the edge to fight for what they believe in. Watching about it brought awareness to many resulting in marches and protests in the US. This is just one of many ways that prod casting information known as new affects people and their lives.

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