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  • Writer's pictureMacy Williams

Critical Reflection Question 6

The issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically British) by international or global institutions

In music media a Big Guy could be considered a record label. Record labels are companies that market recorded music and corresponding videos internationally. An example of one of the biggest most wide-spread record labels is Universal Music Publishing group. Owning tons of smaller labels and signing thousand of famous artist such as Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. A Little guy in the music industry would be considered an independent artist that produces, composes, and disputes their own media independently. This is a much harder route to go, but there are a couple of artist such as Ed Sheeran and the weekend who have accomplished it. Their money is mostly made by streaming their product through different platforms having the ability to be spread internationally.

To start, record labels produce their products by signing artists. With this they must hire producers, composer, and distributers. Since record labels own thousand of individual companies it is easy to accesses people with ability to promote an artist. This can be done through advertisement and brand deals. With individual artists it is a lot more complicated and time consuming to produce their product. Although it is more authentic and personal, hours can be spent producing, composing, and distributing their music. One of their main resources to promoting their product is through social media apps. There are also some artists that may have grown enough following base to get some connections making it a little easier on them.

Some advantages of Big Guys in the music media industry are that the artists don’t have to spend their own time distributing and composing their music. Since, record labels are in charge of doing that. A disadvantage to that is they take out a huge percentage of money being brought in from your music and voice. Also, they can dictate an artist’s language being used in a song.

Some advantages of Little Guys are that their music is a 100 percent authentic and is produced exactly how the artist wants it, because they are doing it themselves. On the other hand, it is a lot harder to distribute their music due to not having as many connections as record labels do. But if they do end up doing well, they tend to make a lot of money because none of it is going to other companies.

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