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  • Writer's pictureMacy Williams

Issues raised by media ownership

All different types of media are used around the world. It can be an amazing thing, but it also can create controversy which results in many issues. To start, the ownership and funding of media is based around what is known as the media giants that are very powerful and pretty much control everything you read, see, and hear.

The major organizations that run the media have smaller ones that are under their supervision and get controlled on what is being released. The major organizations/companies are called conglomerates and some examples consist of Disney, Comcast, News Corp (the parent company of fox), CBS, ATT (turner), and Viacom. These media giants dictate how a movie is produced and eliminates competition from the market due to the having control.

The thousands of companies under the conglomerates are restricted to what they can produce. This limits diversity and options for the audience. For example, if Marvel wants to create a charter that Disney does not agree with the idea either will be disputed or revised.

Besides movies the news is another big issue raised by media ownership. Everybody has their own opinions which are swayed on what information is given out. When conglomerates develop media, they are reassuring that it withstands their beliefs which creates bias and influences the audience in their direction. For instance, news stations such as Fox and CNN may portray certain political views that are either good or bad, but co-inside with who they support.

Lastly, ownership and funding in contemporary media dictates marketing of a product in a fragmented audience. Meaning for corporations to reach out to viewers they must utilize the radio, social media sites, television, and more to sell their product. This cost a decent amount of many that independent companies may not have requiring them to reach out to the media giants.

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