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  • Writer's pictureMacy Williams

Text Analysis question 5

What significance does the continuing development of digital media technology have for media institutions and audiences?

The continuing development of digital media technology is very significant for media institutions and audiences to thrive and do well in the industry. Everyday there is a new product out on the market upping the game and improving media. For example, Netflix is an app that has been around for a couple of years now and is very popular, but other apps such has Hulu, and Disney + have come out creating competition. If Netflix where to not improve itself to meet or exceed these newer media institutions, then it would not still be doing good. Netflix release what is called Netflix Originals that are exclusive to Netflix and do well attracting new audiences. This is just one change from the start they have made allowing them to keep and bring in new audiences. So, the continuing development of digital media technology has impacted the way thousands of media institutions and audience react and perform new up to date material.

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